Dan Thomas
Ironman U Ironman Coach | Sports Psychology certificate | Australian Weightlifting Federation: Sports Power Coach/Olympic Lifting | Powerlifting Australia Ltd: Level 1 Powerlifting Coach | CrossFit Level 1 Trainers Certificate | Australian Institute of Kettle Bells certs. 1 & 2 | Australian Institute of Kettle Bells ‘Battle rope fundamentals’ cert. | TRX suspension training cert. |Certs 1,2,3 in nutrition (learning cloud) | W.M.C. Muay Thai judge/referee cert. | Bulldog Gym Muay Thai cert. | Australian Boxing Association accredited coach (NCAS) | Punchfit certs in: GX, Kickpad, Group X, Punchpad | Kyokushinkai karate 10th kyu | Fitness institute Australia cert. 3 & 4 in fitness.
Sports-specific coaching
Athlete improvement
Sports and training psychology
Strength and conditioning improvement
I enjoy competitions and new challenges such as obstacle races, triathlons and Crossfit. I like to try new sports once I feel I’ve accomplished what I want to keep pushing my boundaries and stay out of my comfort zone. I survived Lithgow for 17 years so I feel anything is achievable! I’ve also played drums for 30 years.
GUILTY PLEASURE: A sneaky beer.
FAVOURITE SONG TO TRAIN TO: 'Nice Day to go to the Pub' – Cosmic Psychos
TOP OF MY BUCKET LIST? Run in Yellowstone national park
TESTIMONIAL: “Dan has taken my physical and mental health to the next level the past 7 years by being such a strong, consistent, supportive and creative trainer” – Anna O
0413 514 145